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yttrium aluminium garnet  Y3Al2(AlO4)3,

This garnet was photographed at the University of Cambridge, UK by class of 2015 student Vishal R.

Photographer Vishal R

Yttrium Y


Where is yttrium used--or where does it impact our everyday lives?



Symbol: Y  atomic #: 39

Atomic mass: 88.91

Periodic Table: in group 3, period 5

Melting point:1526 oC (2779 oF)

Boiling point: 2930 oC (5306 oF)

Density:  4.472 g/mL

Main isotopes: 87Y 88Y 89Y 90Y 91Y

Electron configuration: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 4d1 5s2

% abundance Earth’s crust: 33 ppm

% abundance Universe: 7x10-7 %

Amount in the adult body:    0.5 mg     

Extracted from yttrium ores  


Amount used per year, World: 7,000 tons of yttrium oxide

Cost (2015 US $): $75 per ounce


Uses of the element: The oxide, as well as yttrium vanadate is used with europium to make phosphors to create the red color in television tubes. Also effective as microwave filters.

Reactivity with air (oxygen): metal tarnishes slowly in air and burns readily to form yttrium (III) oxide, Y2O3

Reactivity with water: when heated metal dissolves in water give hydrogen gas

Reactivity with acids or alkalis: dissolves readily to dilute hydrochloric acid to form solutions the yttrium (III) ion, Y3+, together with hydrogen gas  Researcher: Julia v d H


Yttrium is used for some lasers in yttrium garnet lasers.  Sophomore Sam G. is holding a shark-shaped laser-- a red laser--donated by Physics teacher Mr. G











































Gadolinite Be2FeY2Si2O10, Tuflau, Frikstad, Norway viewed during a Chemistry One field trip to the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC, USA















and a second sample of gadolinite from Sactersdalen, Norway

WIS Photographer






















Aeschynite YCaFeTh(TiNb)2(O,OH)6 from Iveland, Setesdal, Norway 

viewed during a Chemistry One field trip to the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC, USA

WIS Photographer
















A second red laser held by Chemistry teacher Ms. H

WIS Photographer

Yttrium is present in the mineral thortveitite (ScY)2Si2O7 from Madagascar  viewed during a Chemistry One field trip to the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC, USA

WIS Photographer

A radioactive sample of strontium-90.  It decays with beta emissions--high energy electrons--to give yttrium


  90Sr -->  90Y + e-

Synthetic garnets are often yttrium aluminium garnet  Y3Al2(AlO4)3,

WIS Photographer

Samarskite (YCeFeU)3(NbTiTa)5O16 Webb mine, Yancy County, North Carolina, USA viewed during a Chemistry One field trip to the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC, USA

WIS Photographer

Crayola color white is the color of yttrium oxide, Y2O3

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