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Indium In


Where is indium used--or where does it impact our everyday lives?


Indium   symbol: In

Atomic number: 49       Atomic Mass: 114.8

Group number: 13     Period number: 5

Melting point   156.6 oC   (313.88  oF)

Boiling point    2072 oC   (3761.6  oF)

Indium does not react with air.

Indium does not react with water.

Electron configuration: 2, 8, 18, 18, 3    [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p1


Researcher: Frances M.


Compounds of indium with semimetals such as arsenic allow indium to be used in LEDs, light-emitting diodes.  See a video of the red LED during a Chemistry One lab investigating the properties of metals, non-metals and metalloids.  The testing instrument for electrical conductivity has a green and red LED.  The sample of silicon in the movie lights the diodes in the tester confirming the electrical conductivity of the metalloid silicon.

See the  VIDEO of the use of red LEDs with aluminum gallium arsenide, AlGaAs, and  aluminum gallium indium phosphide (AlGaInP)

 and ANOTHER VIDEO incuding  testing magnesium and silicon for electrical conductivity

Indium with copper and selenium are used in compounds such as CuInSe2 for use in solar panels.  Some solar panels are also made of gallium arsenide, GaAs, and others are CdTe, cadmium telluride

The photo shows solar panesl on the roadside of the I-95 north in Virginia, USA

WIS Photographer

Orange LED lights can be made of aluminium gallium indium phoshide

WIS Photographer

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