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Promethium Pm


Where is promethium used--or where does it impact your everyday life?


All of promethium's isotopes are radioactive


Promethium, symbol Pm

Atomic number: 61

Atomic Mass: 145 

Melting Point: 1,042°C (1,907°F)

Boiling Point:  3,000°C (5,432°F)

Density: 7.26 g/mL

Solid at room temperature

Element classification: Metal

Period number: 6 

Hazard: Very Radioactive

Reactions with air: burns  4Pm + 3O2 à 2Pm2O3

Solubility in water (or reaction): 2Pm + 6H2O à 2Pm(OH)3 + 3H2

Electron configuration: [Xe] 4f5 6s2

Researcher: Jessica J

Promethium is used in thermionic generators

Sketch by Ines B, class of 2019 from an image: Bechtel NASA Dept of Energy PD

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