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These buttons are "live" and go to the individual element pages  Be, #4,   Cr, #24,   Ag, #27,    Hf, #72,  Au, #79

Pause the video to read each element's description of aerospace uses.


For help finding particular elements, use the lists below of alphabetical and atomic number order

List of elements in alphabetical order


[no f-block elements—yet]


13   aluminum

51   antimony

18   argon 

33   arsenic

85   astatine


56   barium

4     beryllium

83   bismuth

5     boron

35   bromine


48   cadmium

20   calcium

6      carbon

55   cesium

17   chlorine

24   chromium

27   cobalt

29   copper


9   fluorine


31   gallium

32   germanium

79   gold


72   hafnium

2      helium

  1. hydrogen


49   indium

53   iodine

77   iridium


36   krypton


  1. lanthanum

82   lead

3      lithium

71   lutetium


12   magnesium

25   manganese

80   mercury

42   molybdenum


10   neon

28   nickel

41   niobium

7      nitrogen


76   osmium

8      oxygen


46   palladium

15   phosphorus

78   platinum

84   polonium

19   potassium


86   radon

75   rhenium

45   rhodium

44   ruthenium

37   rubidium


21   scandium

34   selenium

14   silicon

47   silver

11   sodium

38   strontium

16   sulfur


73   tantalum

43   technetium

52   tellurium

81   thallium

50   tin

22   titanium

74   tungsten


23   vanadium


54   xenon


39   yttrium


30   zinc

40   zirconium

List of elements in atomic number order


[no f-block elements—yet]

  1. hydrogen

  2. helium

  3. lithium

  4. beryllium

  5. boron

  6. carbon

  7. nitrogen

  8. oxygen

  9. fluorine

  10. neon

  11. sodium

  12. magnesium

  13. aluminum

  14. silicon

  15. phosphorus

  16. sulfur

  17. chlorine

  18. argon

  19. potassium

  20. calcium

  21. scandium

  22. titanium

  23. vanadium

  24. chromium

  25. manganese

  26. iron

  27. cobalt

  28. nickel

  29. copper

  30. zinc

  31. gallium

  32. germanium

  33. arsenic

  34. selenium

  35. bromine

  36. krypton

  37. rubidium

  38. strontium

  39. yttrium

  40. zirconium

  41. niobium

  42. molybdenum

  43. technetium

  44. ruthenium

  45. rhodium

  46. palladium

  47. silver

  48. cadmium

  49. iridium

  50. tin

  51. antimony

  52. tellurium

  53. iodine

  54. xenon

  55. cesium

  56. barium

  57. lanthanum


71   lutetium

72   hafnium

73   tantalum

74   tungsten

75   rhenium

76   osmium

77   iridium

78   platinum

79   gold

80   mercury

81   thallium

82   lead

83   bismuth

84   polonium

85   astatine

86   radon


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