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Earth Systems ESS2

ESS2-1 ANSWERS: Earth's Internal and Surface Processes


Constructive and Destructive Processes Eladnerkidsrsu

What do you know before you see this source?  How does it add to your knowledge?
What do you still need to know?



Develop a model to illustrate how Earth’s internal and surface processes operate at different spatial and temporal scales to form continental and ocean-floor features. 

Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on how the appearance of land features (such as mountains, valleys, and plateaus) and sea-floor features (such as trenches, ridges, and seamounts) are a result of both constructive forces (such as volcanism, tectonic uplift, and orogeny) and destructive mechanisms (such as weathering, mass wasting, and coastal erosion).

Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include memorization of the details of the formation of specific geographic features of Earth’s surface.

Inquiry science
       On-line activity ANSWERS

ESS2 1 Causes of Erosion Activity


Use the source and any other source—but cite this and any other source you use in your answers


  1. Discover 6 possible causes of erosion

List them and describe each briefly—and include a cited, titled image of the example—the title should include the location

  1. Decide which of the six causes of erosion listed is most devastating where you live—or within 100 miles of where you live—justify your response

  2. Put the six causes you listed in order of effect—the biggest cause of erosion first, to the least, 6th.(Not all need to occur in your neighborhood.)

  3. Pick of the causes of erosion and determine how it could be significantly reduced.Describe 2 advantages of the reduction process—and 2 ways the reduction process might harm the environment in a different way.






ESS2 1 INQUIRY Causes of Erosion ANSWERS


Use the source and any other source—but cite this and any other source you use in your answers


1. Discover 6 possible causes of erosion

List them and describe them briefly—and include a cited, titled image of the example—the title should include the location

Solar Erosion


Coastal Erosion—Storm Surges affecting coastlines


Eroding Animals—burrowing and damaging soil and rock


Wind—Dust Clouds (Loess) Moving soil—sometimes increasing amount  of fertile soil. Ex. Yellow River valley, China


Humans Altering Vegetation—removing natural vegetation and plowing—can have devastating effects—the Mid-west dustbowl


Valley (River) Erosion (forms Deltas) Soil and rock moved by flowing water


Thermal Erosion—heating permafrost causes thawing and fracturing of the soil


Ice Erosion—Glaciers moving rocks which erode the rock/soil/ice interface


Bio-erosion (Plant roots growing)


Physical Weathering (Landslides)


Chemical Erosion

Decide which of the six causes of erosion listed is most devastating where you live—or within 100 miles of where you live—justify your response


2.  Choose an effect near your home

Evaluate the most devastating—describe why you think it is the most devastating


3.  Put the six causes you listed in order of effect—the most erosion first, to the least, 6th.(Not all need occur in your neighborhood.)


4.  Pick of the causes of erosion and determine how it could be significantly reduced.Describe 2 advantages of the reduction process—and 2 ways the reduction process might harm the environment in a different way.


Some of the causes are difficult to control—

barrages in rivers to reduce flow rates

reducing the extent of changing natural habitat into agricultural areas or being conscious of the need to retain some vegetation for wind breaks, reducing landslides etc.

Reducing causes of acid rain to reduce chemical erosion—reducing SO2 and CO2 from industrial processes and fossil fuel engines



Solar Erosion


Coastal Erosion—Storm Surges


Eroding Animals


Wind—Dust Clouds (Loess)


Humans Altering Vegetation


Valley (River) Erosion (forms Deltas)


Thermal Erosion


Ice Erosion—Glaciers


Bio-erosion (Plant roots growing)


Physical Weathering (Landslides)


Chemical Erosion

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