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Physics 1: Motion and Forces

HS PS2-1  Newton's Laws

Hero can experiment


   Force and motion


   Newton's First Law

An object at rest will stay at rest, and an object traveling in a straight line will remain traveling straight, until an external force acts upon it = INERTIA

   Newton's Second Law F = mA

Force equals mass x acceleration
Force = momentum (F x v) per second
A force will cause a change in velocity; also a change in velocity will generate a force

   Newton's Third Law

For every action (Force), there is an equal and opposite force

See more about aerospace and Newton's Laws NASA

Hero of Alexandria experimented with a steam "engine".  It didn't move along but rotated when steam entered a sphere and the vented steam caused the rotation.  It was called an aeolipile.
                        Aeolipile   NASA PD        
Newton's First Law about INERTIA
Newton's Second Law  F = m x A 
Newton's Third Law 
Action has = & opposite Reaction
Hero can simulation
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