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LS2-4 Matter & Energy in Ecosystems


Use mathematical representations to support claims for the cycling of matter and flow of energy among organisms in an ecosystem.

Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on using a mathematical model of stored energy in biomass to describe the transfer of energy from one trophic level to another and that matter and energy are conserved as matter cycles and energy flows through ecosystems. Emphasis is on atoms and molecules such as carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen being conserved as they move through an ecosystem.

Assessment Boundary: Assessment is limited to proportional reasoning to describe the cycling of matter and flow of energy.

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Prior Knowledge/Preview

Energy transformations in ecosystems Sciencing


Inquiry science
       Printable activity
       On-line activity
LAB experiments
       Lab #1 Biomass Activity NSF and MSU
       Lab #2 Matter and Energy in Food Webs NSF/HHMI
       Lab #3  How is energy formed in your community? NSF and M
       Lab #4 Decomposers NSF
Applications and examples
Biomass in Space NASA
EXTENSION material for the curious
Climate Change and Human Impact on the Environment SI Learning lab and WIS SI Learning Lab and WIS
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