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Earth and Space Science

ESS1 5 Plate Tectonics

Project Zero THINKING ROUTINE--see Phenomenon section


What will happen when plate movement stops? National Geographic

What do you know before you see this source?  How does it add to your knowledge?
What do you still need to know?


Inquiry science
       Printable activity
      On-line activity: Geologic Time Scale--Real World Grand Staircase CK-12
        Interactive Earth Activity Smithsonian NMNH
        See the tectonic plates revealed NOAA
LAB activities follow all safety guidelines linked above
and in the activity
Lab #1:  Simulation of Plate Tectonics PhET
Lab #2: Location of volcanoes and tectonic plates WIS
Lab #3: Earthquakes and plates NOAA
Lab #4:

EXTENSION material for the curious
Looking at the make-up of the Earth's crust Smithsonian Magazine




Applications and examples
Plate Tectonics on Other Planets LPI

Simplified map of the Earth's tectonic plates USGS


Evaluate evidence of the past and current movements of continental and oceanic crust and the theory of plate tectonics to explain the ages of crustal rocks.

Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on the ability of plate tectonics to explain the ages of crustal rocks. Examples include evidence of the ages oceanic crust increasing with distance from mid-ocean ridges (a result of plate spreading) and the ages of North American continental crust increasing with distance away from a central ancient core (a result of past plate interactions).

Assessment Boundary: none


Stamp depicting continental drift

WIS   CC BY-NC 4.0 unless otherwise stated

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