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LS1 1 DNA and Proteins

Project Zero THINKING ROUTINES--see below

HS-LS1-1.    Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the structure of DNA determines the structure of proteins which carry out the essential functions of life through systems of specialized cells. [Assessment Boundary:
Assessment does not include identification of specific cell or tissue types, whole body systems, specific protein structures and functions, or the biochemistry of protein synthesis.]

Inquiry science
      RNA and DNA Lesson 7 CK-12
LAB activities follow safety guidelines linked above and in the activity
Lab #1 DNA to Protein Activity Concorde Consortium SAM
Lab #2 A different DNA to Protein Activity  Cornell Institute of Biology Teachers
Lab #3 Understanding function & structure of proteins & DNA (Senendip)
EXTENSION material for the curious
Protein synthesis activity Cornell Institute of Biology Teachers

RNA virtual lab NOVA Labs

Proteins in the Body in Detail Journal of Nutrition

ACTIVITY: Several DNA and RNA activities--NGSS life
ACTIVITY Discovery of DNA U Berkley: Who do you think was most important in the discovery of DNA?
ACTIVITY: Extracting DNA from Wobachia Cornell Inst Bio Teachers
DNA at home activity SI Learning Lab
Prior Knowledge/Preview
Protein Chemistry: Chemistry Libre
Proteins and Make a DNA molecule
Applications and examples
<-- See TWINS in space
Link to Deep Space Genomics (Scroll down to the Deep Space genomics section) Illumina Corporation Foundation

Investigating mutations to yeast DNA to determine damage caused with no atmospheric protection. Astronaut Nick Hague runs an analysis with the miniPCR hardware in microgravity on the ISS NASA PD




Choose ONE of the images on the right.--answer the following questions:

What do you see?

What do you think about that?

What does it make you wonder?

Protein Crystals made in Space-below

Protein Crystallization Apparatus for Microgravity (PCAM). NASA’s Marshall Flight Space Center image PD


A manganese superoxide dismutase crystal grown in microgravity.


FAST              MEDIUM                  SLOW protein crystal growth in Space


Crystals from the plant protein thaumatin that were grown onboard the International Space Station. NASA Marshall Space Center PD


Hemolithin-an iron and lithium extraterrestrial protein discovered in the Allende meteorite ASU

Wikimedia Commons milo44 CC SA 3.0

WIS   CC BY-NC 4.0 unless otherwise stated

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