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LS2-1 Factors Affecting Ecosystems

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Phenomenon #1

Hydrothermal vent creatures--an unusual ecosystem Smithsonian

What do you know before you see this source?  How does it add to your knowledge?
What do you still need to know?

Are all the features of an ecosystem present here compared to your neighborhood?


Phenomenon #2

Factors affecting populations in ecosystems Moo Moo Math & Science

What do you know before you see this source?  How does it add to your knowledge?
What do you still need to know?

Project Zero activity

Look at the image below from Orton's drawing of Zones of Animal life from the 1880 text, Comparative Zoology PD


Look carefully at the zones included.

How realistic, do you think, is the image?  Explain your answer.

What animal could you add to each zone?  Draw your image

Prior Knowledge/Preview
What is an Ecosystem? Smithsonian Learning Lab
Pretest Activities see item 1.1 in the Left-hand menu NSF/HHMI
Inquiry science
       Printable activity
       On-line activity:

What does data about cougars baboons wildebeest bats tell us about the ecosystem? HHMI


LAB experiments
       Lab #1 Making a mesocosm  Washington International School
       Lab #2 Salmon run field trip Describe the aquatic ecosystem Madden
       Lab #3 Ecological succession-changes in a pond Biologycorner
       Lab #4  Biocubes activity 1 ft cube Smithsonian NMNH


Applications and examples
NASA data for crop forecasting from Environmental News Network
EXTENSION material for the curious
Estimating mobile populations-mark recapture Cornell Inst of Bio Tchrs
How climate and human activity impacts a mountain ecosystem Nature
Ocean diversity Investigating marine invertebrates Smithsonian Learning Lab
Tracking Birds SI Learning Lab
Ecosystem change Plotting with plant collections Smithsonian NMNH
Fern life history and Biodiversity Smithsonian Learning Lab

WIS   CC BY-NC 4.0 unless otherwise stated

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